InitHistoryError=Error occurred in reading history data file. Default settings have been applied.
InitDownloadError=Can not initialize download library. Gigaget has to exit!
VirusScanner=You can not use this feature as no anti-virus software is configured. Configure now?
ExitContinuelessTask=There are still downloading tasks including %d tasks which can not resume./n/n Are you sure to exit?
ImportError=Can not find valid URL!
ImportError=Can not find valid URL!
RegBhoOk=Gigaget has been successfully set as default download manager for IE, please restart IE to reflect the changes.
RegBhoFirefoxOk=Gigaget has been successfully set as default download manager for Firefox, please restart Firefox to reflect the changes.
RegBhoFail1=Error occurred in accessing registry
RegBhoFail2=BHO file does not exist
RegBhoFail3=Invalid BHO file
HistoryFileError=History data file was corrupted, rebuilding it now í¡
TellFriendTitle=I've used Gigaget, that is very cool!
TellFriendContent=Dear,%0A%0AI've been using Gigaget and thought it is a very cool application, you can try it out by downloading from
tipStopTask=Stopping task ...
tipStartTask=Starting task ...
tipAnylizeUrl=Processing URL ...
tipDeleteTask=Deleting task ...
tipAddMovedFile=Adding files you want to move to the processing queue ..
cbRememberLast=Set category and folder &last used as default
chkShowRefAtNewTask=Show the referer &page when creating a new task
lblThreads=Thread&s in original URL:
lblThreadsEveryTask=Ma&ximum threads per task:
lblThreadsTip=Hint: /nIllegal input, please make sure a task's maximum threads is more than that of original URL.
threadErrorInfo=Task's maximum threads must be bigger than maximum threads for source URL.
chkOpenWhenFinished=Open the &file after download completes
chkScanVirusWhenFinished=&Virus Scan After Download
cbLoginServer=Lo&gin to Server:
lblCategoryName=Category Name:
lblDefaultPath=Default &Folder:
lblTimeOut=Time out
lblMonitorFileType=File Types to Monitor
chkP2PEnable=Enable Net Grid technology
WinCaption=Use Proxy
lblHttp=Http Connection:
lblFtp=Ftp Connection:
lblMMS=MMS Connection:
lblThunderServer=Connection to Hub:
DirectConnection=Direct Connection
WinCaption=Add/Edit Proxy
UserThisProxy=Use this proxy for all connections
WinCaption=Test proxy
CheckStart=Connecting proxy now. Please wait ...
CheckSuccess=Proxy successfully connected
ConnectError=Proxy server can not be connected
UserOrPwdError=Invalid user name or password
UnknowError=Unknown error
WinCaption=Select Folder
lblProxyList=Proxy List:
WinCaption=Proxy Configuration
SetProxyOK=Proxy successfully set up! If your proxy needs a username and password, you can add them by "Tools" - "Proxy Configuration".
lblEnableButton=A&vailable Toolbar Buttons:
lblCurrentButton=Curren&t Toolbar Buttons:
btnMoveUp=Move &Up
btnMoveDown=Move &Down
lblCaption=Te&xt Display:
lblIcon=Ico&n Display:
ShowCaption=Show Text
HideCaption=Do Not Show Text
BigIcon=Big Icon
SmallIcon=Small Icon
WinCaption=Toolbar Customization
WinCaption=Use Proxy
Hint=Your computer will shut down in "%d" seconds, please click "Cancel" button otherwise.
lblHint=Are you sure to permanently delete the item(s)?
WinCaption=Delete a Task
chkDelete=Delete the file as well
CleanDustbinCaption=Clean the Recycle Bin
CleanDustbinHint=Are you sure to empty the Recycle Bin?
lblHint=All download tasks will be stopped after Gigaget exits. Continue?
cbHint=Do not ask me again
lblExtendName=Extension Name
WinCaption=Extension Selection
WinCaption= Category Properties
InvalidPath=Invalid pathname.
lblEmptyErr=Category name could not be empty.
lblErr=Category name can not contain characters such as /\:*?"<>|, please check and input again!
lblEmptyPath=Path could not be empty.
lblErrPath=Pathname can not contain characters such as /\:*?"<>|, please check and input again!
MoveFileFailHint=Error occurred in moving/renaming files, details(1-%d) as follows:
CreateNetPathPrompt= It will take some time to verify as you have set a network path.. /n/ndo you want to continue?
btnChoose=&Select All
cbCheck=Set Selection State
WinCaption=Select URL
WinCaption=Add New Download
lblPath=S&ave to:
lblSaveName=R&ename as:
lblSeperate=&Threads from Original URL:
chkLogin=Lo&gin to Server:
lblAdvertising=Sponsor's Links:
cbSingleThread=&Single Thread from Original URL
chkDispatch=&Use Original URL Only
chkOpenFileWhenFinish=Open the &File after Download
cbKillVirus=&Virus Scan After Download
btnNoteName=Use Comment
btnSaveDefault=Save as Defau<
SelectPath=Select Path
ErrorHint1=Invalid URL, Please Input Again.
ErrorHint2=The URL must be within 1024 characters, please check and input again.
ErrorHint3=Invalid referer URL, please check and input again.
ErrorHint4=Invalid length of the referer URL, please check and input again.
ErrorHint5=Invalid length of the folder or filename, please check and input again.
ErrorHint6=Filename can not contain characters such as \:*?"<>|, please check and input again.
ErrorHint7=folder name can not contain characters such as \:*?"<>|, please check and input again.
ErrorHint8=A filename has to be specified, please check and input again.
CreateDirError=Error occurred in creating folder!
RefUrlHint=Some URL needs a referer to download, you can leave it as blank if you are not sure about the referer.
ComboAddCategory=New Category...
OnlyDownFromOrign=When this is checked, Gigaget will not download from any alternative resources, instead, if will only retrieve data from the original URL. Therefore, it may not be as fast as when this is unchecked.
ExistsURL=Error occurred in file import, as the file you import already exists.
WinCaption=New Category
lblSelectCategory=Select Category:
EditCategory=Edit Category
NewCategory=New Category
NewFolder=New Category
SelectFolder=Select Folder
HasSameCategory=Category name already exists.
lblEmptyErr=Category name can not be empty.
lblErr=Category name can not contain characters such as /\:*?"<>|, please check and input again.
lblEmptyPath=folder name can not be empty.
lblErrPath=folder name can not contain characters such as /\:*?"<>|, please check and input again.
WinCaption=Error Occurred in Rename
lblInfo=Error occurred in renaming some files, detailed information(1-%d) as follows:
WinCaption=Add Batch Downloads
memHelp=<color=0,0,0>Batch download can facilitate creating multiple tasks that share something in common on the URLs. For example, site A provides 10 URLs such as: /n<color=0,61,162>, /n, /n... /n </color>/n/nThose URLs differ only in their number parts. Let the wildcard (*) denote the number, these URLs can be represented as: /n<color=0,61,162>*).zip. </color>/n/nMeanwhile, wildcard characters (*) have a specific length, for example: /n for, the length is 2./n for, the length is 3./n/n<color=255,128,64>Note: After filling the range, you can see the first URL and the last one in the window below. You can review them and click OK to complete.</color></color>
Error0=The URL you input is incorrect, please type again.
Error1=The URL you input should contain a (*), please type again.
Error2=The URL ,must be within 1024 characters, please input again.
Error3=The length of the wildcard is between 1 to 5, please input again.
Error4=The difference between the beginning number and the end should not less than 999
ClearDustbin=Empty the &Recycle Bin|Empty all tasks in the &Recycle Bin
RedownloadHint=It will first remove the old file if you want to download again, continue?
RedownloadOnlyFromOriginHint=This task will only retrieve data from the original URL, and will delete the file already downloaded. The task may fail if the original URL can not be connected, do you want to continue?
MoveFileHint=Move the downloaded file as well?
LoadFileFailed=%sCan not open the file, it may have wrong format or has been corrupted.
LoadFileCfgNotExist=%s File no longer exists, can not resume the download.
NewResource=Alternative resources
ConnectionResource=Resources Connecting
DownloadResource= Resources Connected
IdleResource=Idle Resources
AbandonResource=Resources Abandoned
DuplicateURL= The following URL(s) already exist:
HintWhenTaskCountOverTen=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' left='10' top='12' text=' You already have 10 tasks. The Task Manager feature can help you manage the tasks by putting "downloading" and "downloaded" tasks into different categories'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' text='Enable Task Manager' action='{open_taskmanager}'>
HintWhenOpenTaskManager=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='hint'><type='label' text=' You enabled ' left='10' top='12'><type='label' text=' Task Manager' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' hint=' The Task Manager feature can help you manage the tasks by putting "downloading" and "downloaded" tasks into different categories.>.All downloaded tasks will be moved to "downloaded" category.<type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{close_taskmanager_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' text='Disable Task Manager' top='36' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{close_taskmanager}'>
HintWhenHighSpeed=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='hint'><type='label' text=' High-speed download may slow down web surfing. If you want to surf while downloading, you can choose to enable ' left='10' top='12'><type='label' text='Speed Limit' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' hint=' High-speed download may consume much of your bandwidth. This may slow down web surfing or network game. Speed Limit feature can reserve bandwidth and solve these problems.'>.<type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{config_speed_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Enable Speed Limit' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{config_speed}'>
HintWhenFirstOpenFtpGlance=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' Site explorer enables you to browse directories and files of ftp sites.' left='10' top='12'>
HintWhenFirstTaskWait=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' There are pending tasks' left='10' top='12'><type='image' top='10' icon='{task_wait}'><type='label' text=', Do you want to change the "number of downloading tasks"?' top='12'> <type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Modify' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{modify_task_count}'>
HintWhenTaskCountOverTwenty=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' Too few buttons in the toolbar? Do you want to configure now?' left='10' top='12'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Configure toolbar' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{config_toolbar}'>
HintWhenResouceReduce=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='function'><type='label' text=' "{$filename}" The download is now slow, you can speed up by "' left='10' top='12'><type='label' text='Query more resources' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' hint='When the available resource is getting fewer during the download, you can choose "Query more resources" to speed up. Do not use this function too frequently. Its default usage interval is 5 minutes.'>"<type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{query_more_resource_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Query more resources' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{query_more_resource}' object='{$taskitem}'>
HintWhenFinishShutdown=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' left='10' top='12' text=' You enabled "Shut Down Computer after Download". System will automatically shutdown after all tasks complete.'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{shutdown_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Disable Shut Down Computer after Download' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{cancel_shutdown}'>
HintWhenNoDataFromOrigin=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='function'><type='label' text=' Original URL of "{$filename}" could not be connected, Gigaget completes' left='10' top='12'><type='label' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' text=' download from alternative resources' hint='As no data is received from original URL, the file may not be the most up-to-date version you want. If it is the case, please right click the task and choose "Download from original URL".'>.<type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{redownload_from_origin_nevershow}'>
HintWhenStartSixTask=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' You created a new task. Want to view its ' left='10' top='12'><type='label' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' text=' connection information' hint='Click the started task and you can view its connection information. Click "+" and choose one resource in the list, you can browse connection information for each thread of the resource.'>?<type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' text='View connection information' action='{open_conn_info}'>
HintWhenTaskSuccessInTaskManager=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='hint'><type='label' text=' "{$filename}" download completes and is automatically moved to category "{$classname}".' left='10' top='12'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{moveto_downed_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Open file' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{open_file}' object='{$taskitem}'> <type='image' top='34' icon='{orange_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='View Category' color='204,51,0' hovercolor='204,51,0' action='{locate_task}' object='{$taskitem}'>
HintWhenDeleteTaskToDustbin=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Task has been deleted into recycle bin.' left='10' top='12'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{delete_task_to_dustbin_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Empty recycle bin' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{clean_dustbin}'> <type='image' top='34' icon='{orange_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='View recycle bin' color='204,51,0' hovercolor='204,51,0' action='{locate_dustbin}'>
HintWhenAutoCorrect=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Error correction' left='10' top='12' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' hint='As some resources provide invalid data, data corruption may occur in downloading. Gigaget will intelligently check and correct the corrupted data. In such case, Download progress will roll back.'> applies."{$filename}"'s corrupted data will be removed and re-downloaded. Download progress will roll back.<type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{auto_correct_nevershow}'>
HintWhenZeroSpeed=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='function'><type='label' text=' Can not obtain data for file "{$filename}".You can try:' left='10' top='12'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{zero_speed_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Re-query resources' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{query_more_resource}' object='{$taskitem}'>
HintWhenConnectHubTimeOut=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='function'><type='label' text=' Gigaget can not work properly. Please make sure you can access the Internet and configured correctly any proxy and firewall that apply.' left='10' top='12'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{connect_hub_timeout_nevershow}'>
HintWhenAllocDiskError=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Insufficient disk space in creating "{$filename}". Please remove some files or modify file saving folder.' left='10' top='12'><type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{alloc_disk_error_nevershow}'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Modify download folder' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{modify_task_property}' object='{$taskitem}'>
HintWhenManualQueryResource=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' "Query more resources" may bring heavy stress on Gigaget server. Please note its usage interval is 5 minutes.' left='10' top='12'> <type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{manual_query_resource_nevershow}'>
HintWhenCreateHugeFile=<type='body' closesecond='15' message='refer'><type='label' text=' Creating "{$filename}".As the file is large, it may take some time. Please wait patiently.' left='10' top='12'> <type='checkbox' text=' Do not show this note' left='10' top='36' action='{create_huge_file_nevershow}'>
HintWhenFinishSizeOverTen=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='refer'><type='label' text=' Gigaget utilizes' left='10' top='12'><type='label' text=' intelligent disk cache technology' color='0,0,204' hovercolor='0,0,204' hint='Disk cache technology is that downloaded data are not written to disk immediately, instead, the data are stored in memory and are written to disk only when accumulated to configured amount. This can reduce disk writing frequency and protect your hard drive.'>.It can reduce disk writing frequency to protect your hard disk.<type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' text='Configure disk cache' action='{config_cache}'>
HintWhenAutoDetectKillVirusSoft=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='refer'><type='label' text=' Gigaget has detected that your system has installed {$killvirussoftware}.which would trigger {$killvirussoftware} to perform virus check after the completion of downloads.' left='10' top='12'>
HintWhenNotLogin=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Enter Gigaget Community and enjoy its services?' left='10' top='12'><type='label' top='12' hoverstyle='underline' text='*Become community user, obtain faster download speed./r*Every download will bring you additional points to advance your classification./r*Higher classification, More resources to download, Better and More services waiting for you ...' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' link=''><type='image' left='10' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Register' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{register}'> <type='image' top='34' icon='{orange_indicate}'> <type='label' top='36' text='Login' color='204,51,0' hovercolor='204,51,0' action='{login}'>
HintWhenNotFillUserInfo=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Fill in personal profile information to get a return of 300 points and immediate promotion!' left='10' top='12'><type='label' top='12' text='Fill in now' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{fill_userinfo}'>
HintWhenNotHintStorm=<type='body' closesecond='0' message='hint'><type='label' text=' Hints: Stormcodec is a powerful yet resource saving video player which supports almost all video formats.' left='10' top='12'><type='image' left='300' top='34' icon='{blue_indicate}'><type='label' top='36' text='Visit Stormcodec's website' color='41,91,160' hovercolor='41,91,160' action='{access_storm_site}'>
Hint0=You can choose to or not to enable "Task Manager". When this is disabled, all tasks, finished or unfinished, will show up in a single list, while it is enabled, tasks will be automatically split into two categories, "downloading" or "downloaded".
Hint1=While "Task Manager" is enabled, a downloading task will be automatically moved to "downloaded" after completion. You can click "downloaded" folder to review all finished tasks.
Hint2=During high speed Gigaget download, you may experience slow internet connectivity in surfing web pages or playing internet games, you can remove this problem by setting a limitation of Gigaget speed. Try "Tools" - "Options" - "Connection".
Hint3=Gigaget provides failure diagnosis, please mouse over the failed tasks (do not have to click), and a floating window will pop up showing possible reasons and solutions you may want to try.
Hint4=While the tasks outnumbers the value set in "Max simultaneous tasks", some of them will be set as "waiting" mode. If you want to change "Max simultaneous tasks". Try "Tools" - "Options" - "Connection".
Hint5=You may want to add more buttons in toolbar by right-clicking a button and choose "personalization", you can decide which button to show or hide, or whether to show text on the button.
Hint6=If your task has slowed down by decreasing number of resources during the download, you can right click the task and choose "query more resources". Notice: The function is only effective for every 5 minutes; it does not help if you use it frequently.
Hint7=While there is a list of downloads and you do not want to wait in front of the computer till all are finished, you can enable the "Shut Down Computer After Download" option, that way, the computer will be automatically shut down after all tasks are finished.
Hint8=When the file to download no longer exists or the server can not be connected, Gigaget could help you locate other available resources to finish the download. In this case, it may happen that the file downloaded could be a lower version than the one you want. If this happens and you want the "safe" version, you can choose "Download Again from Original URL Only".
Hint9=Please visit Gigaget's help page ( if you want to know more.
Hint10=You can activate "virus scan after download" to make sure you are virus free, it could be enabled in "Options" - "Anti-Virus ".
Hint11=You can sort the tasks by clicking the title of the column of the list.
Hint12=You can drag and drop a URL into either Gigaget's main or floating window to add a new task.
Hint13=You can report any problems or suggestions to Gigaget's official forum by clicking "Forum" button in the toolbar, or go to
Hint14=When you delete a task(s), you can completely delete it by pressing "Shift", otherwise you only move it into Gigaget's recycle bin.
Hint15=You can view detailed connection information for each download by selecting from the menu "View" - "Connection Information" or clicking the "Connection Information" icon in the bottom left corner of Gigaget.
Hint16=While there are many tasks in the recycle bin, you can right click the "recycle bin" in the tree and choose "empty the recycle bin" to permanently remove all the tasks.
Hint17=Have you noticed that sometimes the progress of a task may roll back? Why? Because Gigaget is retrieving data from multiple resources and it is checking the data integrity during the download process. Anytime it detects that the data from a resource(s) is corrupted, it will erase those data and download again from a more reliable resource, and that is why sometimes you see the progress goes back.
Hint18=If Gigaget failed in every download task, please make sure 1. You are successfully connected to the internet 2. Gigaget is not blocked by your firewall 3. Your proxy setting is correct if you are using a proxy server. For more information, please click
Hint19=As the file you are downloading is large, it may take some time to create. Please wait patiently.
Hint20=Some servers do not support to resume a paused download. In this case, if you pause a download task and restart, all data obtained last time will be abandoned and have to be downloaded again. You will be prompted before this happens.
ExistsURL=The URL specified in your import file already exists, file import failed
DeleteHint=To download again will first remove the old file, do you want to continue?
MoveTo=Move To
MoveHint=Error occurred in moving file $1 to $2
ThunderFile=Gigaget Specific Files(*.td.cfg)|*.td.cfg|
ReplaceFileTitle=File replace confirmation
ReplaceFileText=The file "$1" already exists in the folder. Overwrite it?
openFileNotExist=Can not find the file "%s", please check if it exists
openPathNotExist=Can not find the folder "%s"
moveFileNotExist=File to move can not be found, please check if it exists.
UrlListExt=URL List Files(*.lst)|*.lst|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
lblOldName=Original name:
lblNewName=New name:
lblFileType=File Type:
cbExtName=Change the file extension
RenameFailure=Rename failed
lblHint=Hint: The properties of the category have been changed.
cbEditSubCat=Does the change on properties apply to its sub-category?
cbMoveFiles=Move local files
lblHint=Please be aware that the system may slow down during the virus scan if the "virus scan after download" has been enabled. Do you want to continue?
Text=The task has been moved to the recycle bin if it is deleted, you can right click the task and choose "download again" to resume it, or you can permanently delete the task if you remove it in the recycle bin.
lblFoundNew= A newer version of Gigaget has been found, upgrade now?
lblUpdateVersion=The latest version
lblContext=Upgrade information:
cbNeverHint=&Do not show this note
lblUpdate=Upgrade process
InfDecompression=Extracting a file
InfRunning=Opening a file
InfOvercast=Overwriting/Deleting a file
InfReg=Updating the registry
InfProcessing=Processing the data file
InfDecompressionFail=Error occurred in extracting a zip file
InfRunningErr=Error occurred in opening a file
InfOvercaseErr=Error occurred in overwriting/deleting a file
InfRegErr=Error occurred in updating the registry
InfProcessingErr=Error occurred in processing the data file
InfUpdateErr=Error occurred in upgrading thread
InfSuccess=Upgrade completed
InfUnknown=Unknown information
lblHintLeft=Error occurred in upgrading, click
lblHintRight=to report your problems.
MenuText=Disable flash and stream recognition
MessageText=Are you sure to disable this function? You can restart it from "Options->Monitor".
ResourceError1=No alternative resources have been found
ResourceError2=Can not connect to any alternative resources
ResourceError3=Can not find appropriate resource to fix corrupted data downloaded from alternative resources.
ResourceError4=Downloads fail to complete due to unstable alternative resources
OriginalError1=The file URL does not exist
OriginalError2=Invalid username or password in proxy server settings
OriginalError3=Server can not be connected due to busy or unstable network
OriginalError4=Invalid referer page or username/password
OriginalError5=The download task cannot finish due to unstable connection to the original server
OriginalError6=The original URL appears to be a text-based web page instead of a multimedia file
OriginalError7=The file in the original URL is different than the one downloaded last time
OriginalError8=Can not process the domain name in the original URL
UnknownError=Unknown error
FileError1=Temporary file does not exist
FileError2=Can not open the temporary file
FileError3=Insufficient disk space
FileError4=Can not create the file, please make sure the disk is writable
tdFileError=%s of the data in temporary file ( can not be loaded, do you want to create a new one?
tdFileError2= 1.All downloaded data will be abandoned if you want to create a new temporary file!
tdFileError3= 2.You can specify your temporary file to resume a download by choosing "File" - "Import Unfinished Download".
WinCaption=Show System Hints
cbTaskManage=When task manager is enabled
cbLimitSpeed=To indicate speed limit
cbTaskFail=On a failed download task
cbQueryResource=On seeking more alternative resources
cbShutdown=When shut down after downloaded is enabled
cbNoDataFromOrigin=When the original URL can not be connected
cbTaskOK=When a download task completes
cbDeleteTask=On deleting a download task
cbCorrectError=When data corruption is corrected
cbCanNotGetData=When no data has been received
cbCanNotWork=On mal-function of Gigaget
cbDiskFull=On insufficient disk space
cbHugeFile=On a possible long wait-time when creating a large file
cbContinueDown=On resuming a paused download
cbManualQuery=On manually locating more alternative resources
cbHint=&Do not ask me again
lblHint=Apply the properties to all tasks?
WinCaption=Moving files
lblFileCount=Number of files:%d
lblCurrentFile=Moving the file:%s
Overwrite=The file %s already exists in the folder, overwrite it?
WinCaption=Modify Folder
lblPath=Save to
WinCaption=Modify XP SP2 Connections
btnDownload=Get XP Patch
SystemInfo=OS Version: Microsoft Windows %u.%u.%u %s
NotFindFile=Can not find the file "tcpip.sys"!
FileVersion=tcpip.sys version:
GetInfoError=Error occurred in accessing system information
RecommendLink=Please set the number of connections to 256 or higher (highly recommended)!
RequreUpdate=Error occurred in updating the number of connections, because no matched version of tcpip.sys is found. Please download and install the latest version of Windows XP security program (KB893066) prior to making the changes.
PatchOK=Number of connections has been successfully updated!
RecommendRestart=Please restart your windows (highly recommended)!
PatchFail=Error occurred in updating the number of connections, because the file tcpip.sys has not been updated!